What’s a trend teachers approach to trends?

I’m featuring Maud Donga, a trend lecturer and coordinator at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Let’s explore a trend teacher’s experience of teaching trends to students.

Maud (on the right) in action with students.



Maud teaches at Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle (TCL), This bachelor level program has trend research at its core.

It’s not just a module or an elective but part of the entire 4-year program. This trains students to really become observant of change and integrate trend skills into their daily routine.

Short clip to get an impression.👇



This study program also offers an international minor in Trend and Future Research which starts every year in September and February. It’s open to exchange students and English spoken.


Below you can find excerpts of the interview with Maud from my book ‘How to Research Trends’.


Why do you feel learning about trend research is relevant?


“There is a looming danger of tunnel vision or having blind spots when you don’t engage with changes happening around you and the uncertainties that they bring.

Working with trends provides the space to open up, to explore, to stretch your mind and fuel your imagination.

Being aware of trends can give you a lot of insights, on a personal level as well as on a societal level.”


What’s your schools’ take on the word ‘trend’?


“It seems to be a trend to use the word trend nowadays. In our study program we define trends on a more societal level, as value shifts.

Whereas in the media or the broader society it is often used to denote something that is popular, like a fashion style or something related to a specific domain, like marketing trends.

This makes it hard for students who are beginners in the field to get a grasp on a trend, because they are looking for reassurance and guidance.

Working with the adoption curve and lists of values can help them out. It makes the abstract more visible and tangible.”


How do you integrate trend scanning in your study program?


“You can integrate finding signals in your daily life like you do with brushing your teeth: make it a habit to look for signals twice a day.

In class we discuss signals together so students see that everyone can have a different perspective.

A simple but effective exercise is to ask: what percentage of this signal is new? One person says 20%, someone else says 80%.

Have a conversation on the type of newness of the signal and get a better understanding together on the strength of the manifestation.”


How do students experience the trends analysis process?


“Analysis is a puzzle, not a mathematical formula. You don’t know up front what the outcome will be.

This creates discomfort and sometimes even irritation and frustration. That’s all part of the process and it’s needed to stay sharp and critical.

Clustering requires asking deeper questions, having conversations, exchanging views and switching perspectives.

A trend analysis is finished when you create a coherent storyline, you can back your trends with evidence and answer critical questions about them.”


Want to know more about Maud?

Maud currently also works as coordinator of the Master program Strategic Communication. Connect with Maud via LinkedIN.



Read my book for more in-depth information or contact me to for trend training or trend coaching sessions.